Introduction: Introduce the concept of capsule houses and their importance in modern urban living.

1. The Art of Spatial Planning

  • Discuss how to achieve a balance between functionality and aesthetics within limited space.
  • Describe the advantages and challenges of open-plan layouts.

2. Selection of Multi-functional Furniture

  • Analyze the practicality of convertible furniture such as sofa beds and fold-out dining tables.
  • Explore storage solutions like Murphy beds and wall beds.

3. Built-in Storage Systems

  • Describe how built-in storage systems save space and increase storage capacity.
  • Discuss various storage options, such as closets, drawers, and shelves.

4. Visual Expansion Techniques

  • Discuss the use of mirrors and transparent materials to increase the sense of space.
  • Analyze the application of color psychology in capsule house design.

5. Innovative Lighting Design

  • Describe the importance of natural and artificial lighting in capsule houses.
  • Explore adjustable lighting systems and how they affect the mood and activities of the occupants.

6. Considerations in Material Selection

  • Analyze the durability and ease of cleaning of different materials.
  • Discuss how to choose materials that are both aesthetically pleasing and practical.

7. Balancing Privacy and Openness

  • Discuss the importance of privacy in capsule house design.
  • Analyze the use of curtains, partitions, and other design elements to create private spaces.

8. Smart Applications of Integrated Technology

  • Discuss how smart home technology can enhance the living experience.
  • Analyze the benefits of automated systems such as smart thermostats and lighting.

9. Personalization through Customization Options

  • Describe how customization meets the unique needs of different occupants.
  • Explore how residents can personalize their space through color, material, and layout choices.

10. The Importance of Safety Design – Discuss the importance of considering safety in capsule house design. – Analyze how to prevent accidents through secure furniture and fixtures.

11. Integrating Aesthetics with Practicality – Explore how to achieve aesthetics in capsule houses without sacrificing functionality. – Analyze how design elements and decorations can enhance the appeal of the space.

Conclusion: Summarize the key points of interior layout and decoration in capsule houses, emphasizing the role of design in achieving a comfortable and efficient living space.

References: List the research materials and references used in writing the article.